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Kellyvision Production Demo Reel 



One of the great things about the internet is that it has leveled the playing field when it comes to competing. As mentioned, you have one shot at making a good first impression. With a well-designed site, your  operation can project the image and professionalism of a much larger company. The inverse is also true. I've seen many big company websites that were so badly designed and hard to navigate that they completely lacked professionalism and credibility. Good for you, too bad for them.

Business Cards
Social Media



Business cards may seem outdated, but they are still the most popular form of giving and receiving personal contact information. Attend a networking event and be prepared to see a lot of passing of business cards! Even though they may seem obsolete due to the ease of putting someone’s contact information into your phone upon meeting, they actually carry a lot of value because it makes the exchange that takes place with the other person tangible. It’s a memory of you and your conversation.

Television advertisement is designed around demographics and target markets. That is why you will see beer commercials on televised sport events as opposed to seeing their commercials on say, “Desperate Housewives.” Know where your target audience is and appeal to them there. When it comes to social media implementations, this is where so many miss it. They think they are done by simply putting up a Facebook and Twitter page and posting there. No, no, no. A complete social strategy must consider where the target market exists and congregates just as brands target their audience on specific televisions programming.

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